The slowness is even more marked when you're used to the speed of things here, where whole cities get built in three or four years.
Our neighbour has just sent us some photos of work going on to upgrade our street.
The street is more like a country lane, with grassy banks either side, has less than fifty houses each side and is about a kilometre long.
Seven years ago the council started to upgrade it with kerbs and drainage and a footpath.
Seven years ago.
We're five houses from the top and they've just reached us. You can see what's been done at the lower section, between the two cars.

They're now doing the stretch in front of our house, across three houses, which they'll have finished in about a week.
A week.
We had a cemented-in rockery full of plants on the bank in front of our house. Yesterday it looked like this:

And although we had no say in whether it was done or what should be done, we have to pay half the cost. A$40 per metre for kerbing and A$37 per sq. metre for the footpath.
Long time to wait - I hope it looks nice when finished....
Makes me home sick....
Me too Dave.
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