Thursday, July 13, 2006

*Gasp*...I agree with Gulf News!


Published: 07/12/2006 12:00 AM (UAE)

A campaign of dubious merit

The Dubai Police have started yet another road safety campaign to encourage safe driving. The nine-month promotion, titled "It's cool to be safe," is aimed at 18-30-year-olds, hence the "catchy" phrase used.

Over 100,000 specially designed car stickers will be distributed, which motorists are encouraged to sign and display as a pledge to be a safe driver.

However, instead of expending vast sums of money in campaigns, it is best to determine how effective they are, and whether increased fines and proactive policing would be better.

Moderately priced fines for errant motorists driving expensive sports cars and limousines do not act as a deterrent.

Nor does the "discovery" at the time of registration, maybe a year later, that fines await payment is likely to change dangerous and selfish driving.

It is better to get such drivers off the road for one or two years while they rethink their driving attitudes.

I've said it many times before...of course we need an ongoing education programme, of course we need awareness campaigns, of course we need to explain safety issues to people who don't understand them.

But that's all long term strategy.

Innocent people are being killed and maimed right now and we have an urgent need to get killer drivers off the road. Fines, licence removal are useless, only vehicle confiscation and jail terms will give us any protection from them.

1 comment:

flamin said...

my question, again, is: who are we creating the awareness for? the wasta people are the real killers. maybe they should start a campaign that says "It's cool NOT to use wasta!"