Sunday, July 15, 2007

'Mystery shoppers' to check on ministries

The Big Boss meant what he said about ministries lifting their performance levels.

A while ago Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid told them in no uncertain words that they had to lift their game. Now he's announced that they will be secretly monitored.

At the Cabinet meeting held in Fujeirah it was announced that, using the retail 'mystery shopper' model, there will be a team of 'mystery clients' monitoring ministries' achievements and peformance.

It was also announced that an integrated system is being developed to track the performance of all ministries.

Most telling, the team of 'mystery clients' will report directly to Sheikh Mohammed.

With him watching them so closely the odds are good that we'll all benefit from some long-overdue improved efficiency from government departments.

I do wish the RTA was subjected to the same attention.

The story is in Gulf News here.


caz said...

This type of activity khas been going in Australia for some time. People are to shop without revealing their identities. They then judge the performance of tahe shop assistants and fill in [not out!! a reporat card. This has be highly accurate, otaherwise the shopper is not reimbursed. You get to keep the goofd. Unhappily, the report is not sent to our Head of State.

Nice to know though, that Dubai is following ins some of our footsteps.

Seabee said...

Caz it's actually a very old marketing tool that's been around for ever. The difference here is that it's been adapted from retail to check on government departments.