It's good to break the trip to Oz with a half-way stopover, the journey's far too long for me to sit in one place. Give or take a few minutes it's seven hours to Singapore and another seven on to Sydney, and I can just - just - handle that, although I'm getting really fidgety by the end of the seven hours.
So a couple of days in Singapore on the way out, four days on the way back. Catching up with family, good eating, shopping for leather shoes which are almost impossible to find amongst the plastic ones in Dubai and plenty of stuff to see because we were there on the first few days of Chinese New Year.
Sydney Harbour was sparkling as ever and we had a week there, then a week on the Central Coast of New South Wales, which is about an hour's drive north. Oz is in the grip of the worst drought for 100 years but it had rained on a few days before we arrived (and the first three days we were there, wouldn't you know it!) so it was looking fresh and green.
Caught up with friends and realised how much we miss them all. Stayed with neighbours-friends, because our house is leased out, and they organised lunches and dinners so that we could catch up with everyone.
Over 500 photos to sort through and organise but I've managed to do some...

The freeway between Sydney and the Central Coast.
And on into our home town...

Neighbours-friends organised get-togethers...

The nearby little town of Hardys Bay is great for picnics...

No not Singapore, this is Sydney Chinatown.

Now we're in Singapore, just in time for the traditional lion dances celebrating New Year.
If I find any interesting photos amongst the big pile I'll post them later.